अंग्रेजी अंग्रेजी शब्दकोश

अंग्रेजी अंग्रेजी शब्दकोश

द प्रोजेक्ट गुटेनबर्ग का ऑनलाइन अंग्रेजी-अंग्रेजी शब्दकोश

Acosmism (n.)
A denial of the existence of the universe as distinct from God.
Acosmist (n.)
One who denies the existence of the universe, or of a universe as distinct from God.
Acotyledon (n.)
A plant which has no cotyledons, as the dodder and all flowerless plants.
Having no seed lobes, as the dodder; also applied to plants which have no true seeds, as ferns, mosses, etc.
Acouchy (n.)
A small species of agouti (Dasyprocta acouchy).
Acoumeter (n.)
An instrument for measuring the acuteness of the sense of hearing.
Acoumetry (n.)
The measuring of the power or extent of hearing.
Acoustic (a.)
Pertaining to the sense of hearing, the organs of hearing, or the science of sounds; auditory.
Acoustic (n.)
A medicine or agent to assist hearing.
Acoustical (a.)
Of or pertaining to acoustics.
Acoustically (adv.)
In relation to sound or to hearing.
One versed in acoustics.
Acoustics (n.)
The science of sounds, teaching their nature, phenomena, and laws.
Acquaint (v. t.)
Acquaint (v. t.)
To furnish or give experimental knowledge of; to make (one) to know; to make familiar; -- followed by with.
Acquaint (v. t.)
To communicate notice to; to inform; to make cognizant; -- followed by with (formerly, also, by of), or by that, introducing the intelligence; as, to acquaint a friend with the particulars of an act.
Acquaint (v. t.)
To familiarize; to accustom.
Easy to be acquainted with; affable.
A state of being acquainted, or of having intimate, or more than slight or superficial, knowledge; personal knowledge gained by intercourse short of that of friendship or intimacy; as, I know the man; but have no acquaintance with him.
A person or persons with whom one is acquainted.