English English Dictionary

English English Dictionary

The online English-English dictionary from The Project Gutenberg

Zonulet (n.)
A zonule.
Zonure (n.)
Any one of several of South African lizards of the genus Zonura, common in rocky situations.
A combining form from Gr. zwo^,n an animal, as in zoogenic, zoology, etc.
Pertaining to zoochemistry.
Animal chemistry; particularly, the description of the chemical compounds entering into the composition of the animal body, in distinction from biochemistry.
Zoochemy (n.)
Animal chemistry; zoochemistry.
One of the small green granulelike bodies found in the interior of certain stentors, hydras, and other invertebrates.
Zoocyst (n.)
A cyst formed by certain Protozoa and unicellular plants which the contents divide into a large number of granules, each of which becomes a germ.
Zoocytia (pl. )
of Zoocytium
Zoocytium (n.)
The common support, often branched, of certain species of social Infusoria.
Zoodendria (pl. )
of Zoodendrium
The branched, and often treelike, support of the colonies of certain Infusoria.
Zooecia (pl. )
of Zooecium
Zooecium (n.)
One of the cells or tubes which inclose the feeling zooids of Bryozoa. See Illust. of Sea Moss.
A peculiar organic red coloring matter found in the feathers of various birds.
Zoogamous (a.)
Of or pertaining zoogamy.
Zoogamy (n.)
The sexual reproduction of animals.
Zoogenic (a.)
Of or pertaining to zoogeny, animal production.
Zoogeny (n.)
Alt. of Zoogony
Of or pertaining to zoography.