English English Dictionary

English English Dictionary

The online English-English dictionary from The Project Gutenberg

Zincous (a.)
Hence, formerly, basic, basylous, as opposed to chlorous.
Zincous (a.)
Of or pertaining to the positive pole of a galvanic battery; electro-positive.
Zingari (pl. )
of Zingaro
Zingaro (n.)
A gypsy.
Zingel (n.)
A small, edible, freshwater European perch (Aspro zingel), having a round, elongated body and prominent snout.
Of or pertaining to ginger, or to a tribe (Zingibereae) of endogenous plants of the order Scitamineae. See Scitamineous.
Zink (n.)
See Zinc.
Zinkenite (n.)
A steel-gray metallic mineral, a sulphide of antimony and lead.
Zinky (a.)
See Zincky.
Zinnia (n.)
Any plant of the composite genus Zinnia, Mexican herbs with opposite leaves and large gay-colored blossoms. Zinnia elegans is the commonest species in cultivation.
A kind of mica containing lithium, often associated with tin ore.
Zinsang (n.)
The delundung.
Same as Zingiberaceous.
Zion (n.)
A hill in Jerusalem, which, after the capture of that city by the Israelites, became the royal residence of David and his successors.
Zion (n.)
Hence, the theocracy, or church of God.
Zion (n.)
The heavenly Jerusalem; heaven.
Ziphioid (n.)
See Xiphioid.
A combining form (also used adjectively) designating zirconium as an element of certain double compounds; zircono-; as in zircofluoric acid, sodium zircofluoride.
A double fluoride of zirconium and hydrogen, or some other positive element or radical; as, zircofluoride of sodium.
Zircon (n.)
A mineral occurring in tetragonal crystals, usually of a brown or gray color. It consists of silica and zirconia. A red variety, used as a gem, is called hyacinth. Colorless, pale-yellow or smoky-brown varieties from Ceylon are called jargon.